SEVEN AWARDS IN ONE: Bumper awards gift from Irene

We are only into our first few days of March and spring has sprung, but the awards avalanche will not let longer days and brighter sunshine cut short its rampage through the chewed synapses of the Half-Eaten Mind. Yours truly has just received a full blast of accolade-ey goodness from Irene A Waters of the blog Reflections and Nightmares.

It is not the first time HEM has been nominated by Irene. In mid-February, she sent us the Field of Flowers Award, one of the more pretty and colourful awards we have pinned to our puffed-out and proud chests. This is one is exceptional however, because it is seven awards in one.

On the 2nd of March, 2014, Irene was herself nominated for the 7-in-1 bumper pack by another blogger, known as Sherri. The awards pack consists of the following…

1. Reader Appreciation Award

2. Cracking Chrispymouse Bloggywog Award

3. Shine On Award

4. Versatile Blogger Award

5. Dragon’s Loyalty Award

6. Most Influential Blogger Award

7. Most Creative Blogger Award

Here are these awards in pictorial format:

via S. Matthews
via S. Matthews
via S. Matthews
via S. Matthews
via S. Matthews
via S. Matthews
via S. Matthews

Many of these awards have been awarded to the Half-Eaten Mind for the first time and will be featured on our Awards Page. Irene has kindly created a special all-in-one badge which names all the awards. You could say this is the wrapping that goes around our Mad March Awards Hamper 🙂 . Though she admits she is not the most creative at badge design, she has done a very good job here as far as I am concerned. Pretty good for a first try.

(c) I.A. Waters

According to Irene, the seven-in-one award may be influenced by the significance of the number seven in films like ‘The Magnificent Seven’ and the awards these films collect when they storm the box office. Additionally I should mention that in Western cultures, seven is often associated with good luck i.e. ‘lucky number seven’ and is a favourite number of career gamblers, at least according to popular perception.

The significance of receiving this award is that it recognises the influence a blogger has on their readers either by engineering an emotional response in their blogposts or by getting your readers to think, according to Irene. You can be seen to be shining a light on your readers’ worlds and it is also a reward for being steadfastly loyal to your blogging friends by regularly visiting their blogs, commenting, putting up likes and these sort of activities, all of which sustain and strengthen the bonds formed between bloggers.

Here are the rules for the Seven Awards:

1. Display the logo on your sidebar

2. Link back to the person who nominated you

3. State 7 things about yourself

4. Nominate 15 (or so) bloggers for this award

5. Notify the nominees of their nominations

Original article:

You can see Irene’s original article here at –

Seven Things About Myself:

1. I am definitely most not a morning person. I find my mind works fastest and my most profound ideas come about in the lat e evening and at night.

2. I really want to get into photography again, more deeply. As summer is on its way, hopefully I will be going out more and getting some ‘great shots’.

3. My star sign is Libra. Librans are famed for being good negotiators. I always like to help people sort out their problems and try to resolve arguments. I often give advice to people, usually only if they ask for it first. I cannot stand arguments or fights, especially with people close to me. But at the same time if a fight/argument/dispute breaks out in a public place, I’m down watching that s*** like it is a WWE wrestling match.

4. My housemate Donald makes the most awesome Bangalorean fish and chicken curries, which I am an avowed fan of. It’s all in the way he blends the spices, my friends.

5. In an effort to lose weight, I have taken to running up and down the stairs at work, plus eating healthy lunches three days out of five. It is a small step but a helpful one as I have already shed a few of the spare pounds. I am hoping to be a slim as an urban fox by the end of this year.

6. I have hazel eyes. Usually an rare thing among people of south Asian heritage. But you would not notice them due to the thick-lensed specs I have to wear owing to my extreme-shortsightedness.

7. I have recently developed an attraction towards cute ladies who are wearing raincoats. I always think they look smart and sophisticated yet so lovable and cute. Being a single guy is tough la!

My nominees











“Seven Awards in One” – Irene A. Waters, Reflections and Nightmares (2 March 2014) LINK
“Awards Part Three: The Shauny Award for Blogging Excellence and Seven Awards in One!” – Sherri Matthews, A View From My Summerhouse (19 February 2014) LINK



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