ALIEN: New concept art revealed by Neill Blomkamp

After the relative success of the Alien prequel Prometheus of 2012, in which we saw the unholy birth of the prehensile-tongued extra-terrestrial killer that helped spawn the original sci-fi franchise featuring actor Sigourney Weaver in the main role of Ellen Ripley, there is a possibility that another film is on the way, although a news site claims that the project may not be made at all and the rumours are just that. Alien fans do however have a glimmer of hope for a maybe-or-maybe-not return to some fresh stomach-splitting action as a director and artist has recently publicised his own homage to the series. What is certain is … Continue reading ALIEN: New concept art revealed by Neill Blomkamp

ATACAMA HUMANOID: Alleged extraterrestrial corpse is of this world

Claims that the remains of a being found in the world’s driest desert were that of an alien have been debunked by a television show broadcast on US television. Scientific analysis of the creature which was found in a remote mining village in the Atacama Desert of Chile has in fact proved that it is in fact of earthly origin, thus concluding a paranormal mystery that has intrigued scientists, the media and ufologists for a decade. The desiccated corpse, measuring only six inches in height and resembling a toy Hallowe’en skeleton, was stumbled upon by a man named Oscar Munoz in the ghost … Continue reading ATACAMA HUMANOID: Alleged extraterrestrial corpse is of this world