SUPER SWEET AWARD: Sugar and spice…and brains so nice

(c) Pallak Sharma/original designer , The Be-All and End-All

By Vijay Shah

Hot on the heels of our first ever blogging community award, the Hope Unites Globally ‘HUG’ Award, your best place for ramblings of the mind has been nominated yet again. This time the Half-Eaten Mind has been selected to receive the “Super Sweet Award” courtesy of Pallak Sharma, one of the blog’s supporters and loyal fans. Ms. Sharma writes for the “Be-All and End-All” blog which is a beautiful collection of musings on life’s sweet and sour surprises.

Based in India, 21-year-old Pallak is a commerce student at university and despite her busy schedule, still finds time for her favourite hobbies of blogging and penning sweet poems. A big fan of books, music and movies, Sharma created her blog to reach out to people with similar, and not so similar, interests and enjoys writing for and communicating with her network of fans and fellow bloggers, of which I am proud to be part of.

Chocolate-Cake-2006-Jan-04 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Temptation: well played sir, well played….

As part of the rules for nominees, I must present to my Brainiacs the answers to five “super sweet questions” and in turn nominate a ‘baker’s dozen’ bloggers, that is thirteen very lucky souls who in turn must pass it on!!. Let the humiliation begin.

1. Cookies or cake?

Well it depends, I love them both. Like any good Mauritian, I have a sweet tooth that would put a sabre-toothed tiger to shame. Thankfully they are extinct, so I won’t have to worry about getting weird prank calls from big cats annoyed by my previous sentence, and be forced to join a witness protection programme and go into hiding in an undisclosed banana republic. But if I had to choose, it would be cake, because with cake you get more to savour, with tastes that melt-in-your mouth and texture that is light on the stomach. My favourites cakes are Battenbergs, Victoria sponges, birthday cakes with thick icing (frosting) and Cadbury’s chocolate mini Swiss Rolls. Delicious!!

2. Chocolate or Vanilla?

Definitely chocolate. Dark or milk chocolate, it doesn’t matter. As here in Plaistow, London it is getting hotter, so I am looking forward to buying some chocolate ice cream and lollies (popsicles). Especially my old favourite, Feast. Also I really want to try the Magnum Infinity lolly. That stuff looks mental!!

3. Favorite Sweet Treat?

Anyyooo!!..this is a tough one. I eat sweetmeats from a variety of traditions and places, so I will put the answer this way. For traditional British sweets, then it would be chocolate cake pudding. In Mauritius, it would be gateaux orielles. When I am going ancestral and sampling Indian sweets a.k.a mithai then it is gulab jamun, with rasmalai in close second place. I am also partial to Greco-Turkish helva, a delicacy made from sesame seed paste (tahini), although I don’t eat it as much nowadays since I moved home. Not surprisingly, the chocolate-infused variety was the one I usually plucked off the shelf at my local Turkish minimarket.

4. When do you crave sweet things the most?

24/7 bruv!!. Seriously though, my sweet cravings generally tend to accelerate in intensity around about lunchtime. This is when things get very sticky. Ask the people who know me from work and they will tell you just how bad it is!. You will hear the phrase “chocolate sundae” dropped into any conversation about my lunch buying habits sooner or later.

5. Sweet Nick Name?

Being a sentient human-like organism of the male variety, I generally do not get allocated any ‘sweet’ nicknames as such. My mates at work call me Rajah. My main man, a KFC fanatic named Mo Miah has recently started calling me Norman (don’t ask). Others have known me under various monikers, such as ‘Dicky Doughnut’, Lambu (Gujarati for ‘tall’ – I am about 6’5), Jay, Vee, Sanjay, Vilo Milo (thanks Azzy!!) etc. My cousin in Mauritius calls me Deepak. Maybe they would not sound sweet, but I know there’s tonnes of affection behind them.

Well, that’s the Q&A grilling done and dusted. Now to nominate my baker’s dozen – who are now on forth nominees for this peculiar and cute little award.

Drumroll please…..














After this article is published today, I will be messaging all above nominees on their ‘About’ or home pages. If you choose to accept a nomination, please familiarise yourselves with these simple rules/legal mumbo-jumbo as approved by Lucky, the family cat (who doubles as a lawyer on occasions. No win, no fee basis. Extras will cost you a box of Happy Shopper cat biscuits. The ones that smell like mummified prawns left down the back of a radiator in summer.) :-

The Rules:

  • Thank the Super Sweet Blogger that nominated you.
  • Answer five Super Sweet questions.
  • Include the Super Sweet Blogging award image in your blog post.
  • Nominate a baker’s dozen (13) other bloggers.
  • Notify your nominees on their blog.


“Super Sweet Award” – Pallak Sharma, The Be-All and End-All LINK

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19 thoughts on “SUPER SWEET AWARD: Sugar and spice…and brains so nice

  1. I have made no mistake about giving you this award. You really are one sweet guy. You deserve it. 🙂
    And wow. Even I have not put up my “about” page so nicely the way you have done in this post. I really appreciate that. And now I am going to sort of “copy-paste” it (I know it sounds stupid!).
    And a cool nick name you have-Lambu. 😛 hehe!
    Thank you so much Vijay. Best wishes! 🙂


    1. Hi Pallak,

      Thanks for your sweet compliment, and am glad you like my description.
      Don’t worry about copy-pasting my description, that’s just raw journalistic talent that I have lol, and by all means help yourself.
      Caring is sharing 😛
      Lambu is one thing, I have also been occasionally known as ‘Bigfoot’ and even ‘BFG’ (Big Friendly Giant) after the character from children’s author Roald Dahl (a big childhood fave of mine).
      Keep up the great work on your blog, you have a lot of talent and a fresh, understanding way of viewing the world.
      Best wishes for you too, dear.

      Kindest regards,

      – HalfEatenMind


  2. I can see Vijay that Im not the only one who feels so entertained by reading your daily updates in ur blog 🙂 Keep up the good work 🙂 lols im so proud of my big bijay ;P xxx 🙂


  3. This 83 old man was looking for happiness when he wound up on this site. I don’t know how to tweet but if I did I would. The tweets that I read were to honest and open. I was so nice to hear people saying nice thing to other. I found some happiness in sharing their feeling with one and other. Thanks.


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